Focus: Individual and Partners/Couples Work; Trauma, Addiction, Abuse and Internalized Oppression Healing and Recovery; Relationship Growth and Support
Relevant trainings, experiences and other qualifications include
Internal Family Systems (IFS) Training
Over 14,000 hours of IFS Practice over nine years
Certification Process (2017--in progress)
Internal Family Systems and The Voices of Addiction Training (2019)
Using IFS to Heal Our Relationships with Food and Body Training (upcoming 2020)
IFS Treatment for Healing and Restoring Health: Freedom from Trauma, Early Adversity Training (2020)
IFS Inspired Coaching (2018)
Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Intimacy From the Inside Out (IFIO) Intro Training (2018)
IFS Supervised Consultation
IFS Level 1 (2018)
IFS Online and Continuity Circles (2017-2018)
IFS Intro Workshop (2015)
Lay Studies and Recovery Based Practice (2012--present)
Self-Havening Workshop (2020) by VIVA Excellence
Safe and Sound Protocol Certification (SSP) by Integrated Learning Systems (2020)
Couples Institute Level 1 Training (2020-present)
Relational Life Therapy Level 1 with Terry Real (2020)
Therapy Mastermind Circle: SE, Secure Attachment Styles in the Time of Crisis with Diane Poole Heller, at al. (2020-present)
Compassionate Mediation Training, IFS Based, with Linda Kroll (2020)
A Journey Toward Meaning Workshop, Grief and Healing, David Kessler (2020)
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and Social Justice Trainings
Trainer Certification (2016--in process)
Assistant Trainer (2019-2020)
Social Change: Supporting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (2019)
Bay Area Immersion Program (2018-2019)
LA International Immersive Training (2018)
Other NVC and Social Justice Trainings (since 2011)
VitalSmarts Crucial Accountability Training Seminar, SF, CA (2020)
VitalSmarts Crucial Conversations Training Seminar, Online (2020)
12 Step Recovery Model
Support for SIA, ACA, Al-Anon, OA, EDA, UA, DA, AA, COSA, CODA, ISA, SAA and SLAA, WA and CLA programs
Support for underrepresented voices in recovery programs
Yoga and Meditation Certifications and Trainings
Integral Yoga: Hatha 1, Integral Yoga Institute
Prenatal, Postnatal, Labor, Integral Yoga Institute
Part 1 of Children with Special Needs (2005), Integral Yoga Institute
Ongoing Trainings and Practice since 1985
Social and Restorative Justice Trainings
NOS (Nature of the Soul) Meditation Certification
Council in the Schools Level 1 Certification
Krishnamurti Educating the Educator Training
Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance: Seed School Instructor Training
BFA Communication Design, VCU School of the Arts
Doula, Midwifery, Curandero, Herbal, Homeopathic and Women’s Natural, Holistic Health Trainings
Raja Energy Certification, Feisst Institute
Archetypal, Oracular, Sidereal Astrological Certifications & Trainings
Over 14,000 hours of IFS Practice
IFS Coach and Progressive Educator
Couples/Partnership/Relationship Coach
Workshop Presenter, Educator and Homeschool Educator: Mindfulness, Trauma Recovery, NVC, Meditation, Vegan Food Prep, Expressive Arts Inner Child Work…
Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness Instructor
Flower Essence and Herbal Remedy Co-create-with-her