Image by Masaaki Komori via Unsplash
Polyvagal Tracking, Mapping and Ladder
Whether working with the Safe and Sound Protocol, or doing Polyvagal Mapping for other processes, here are some helpful reminders about how the Polyvagal Theory Works and keywords for applying it.
Ventral, Sympathetic and Dorsal States
When mapping these states, please feel free to apply your own keywords, per what we have discussed in session and your own experience of these states.
-Ventral Vagal State: Easier capacity to regulate and navigate from activation and rest to ease.
-Sympathetic (SNS), Fight or Flight: Anxious, activated to make a move towards or away
-Dorsal Vagal: Staring off, shut down, spacey, loss of sense of time and connection
Red, yellow and green light circles
-Green Light: What is life like in ventral vagal, describe the feelings in the body and activities
-Yellow Light: What is life like when there’s a sense of moving towards red light territory
-Red Light: What is life like when in a deep compulsive or withdrawn state
Moving between states and circles
-When I am in red light circle state (describe the specific red light/shut down part state), how do I move towards SNS or having more agency—what have you discovered on your own, what have we worked on in session with that part(s). Notice what strategies are inner processes and which are external.
-When I am in sympathetic, fight or flight, how do I move into more serenity, aka green light or ventral state. Notice what strategies are inner processes and which are external.
-When I am in ventral state or green light state, progressively building awareness and practice of:
what does that look and feel like?
how would it be to allow myself to feel more of that?
what helps me to stay in this state? (building a map of inner and outer resources)
Notice what strategies are inner processes and which are external.
Where would you like to cultivate more resource?
Are you open to fluidly revising this map as your inner locus and aspirations shift?
Ventral State/Green Light/Mini Step 11 Resources
What practices and items bring you back to this state? Note sensory qualities that may assist in this connection.
What is/are your practices for connecting with trustworthy Spiritual Guidance and Support?