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Rates and Sliding Scale Table
If you are looking for ongoing client session rates, please skip down to the section below for DISCOUNTED RATES FOR WEEKLY ONGOING SESSIONS.
If you are looking to have a one-off, one-time, hourly rate intensive session, please skip down to the section below for ONE TIME INTENSIVE RATES.
Thank you for your interest. We look forward to working together soon.
-Ongoing Clients Discounted Package Rate of Four or More Sessions Prepaid:
Sessions can be discounted in prepaid packaged monthly (4 sessions typically), quarterly (12 sessions typically), semi-annual (20-22 sessions typically) or 40-45 annual sessions in pre-paid packages are also available upon request
Please feel free to review the various table of discounted rates and let me know what range and rate works best for you. If I can offer sessions at that rate, I will confirm that with you.
In an attempt to make ongoing sessions more accessible for more/most, ongoing client prepaid package rates are discounted and tiered in the following scale:
April 17, 2023 Rate Tiers are as follows:
Below $170 Scholarship Rates — more info below — please ask if interested!!!!!
$170-220/1hr. Session *Median Rate Window
$221-350/1 hr. Session
$351-1200/1hr. Session **California South Bay Area and Los Angeles Upper Market Rate $350+/hr.
Rates from $5 through $170/hr are Scholarship/Foundation Support Rates — please ask for rates and availability.
Partial Scholarship Tier: $111- $170/1hr. Session
Partial to Full Scholarship Tier $4 - $108/1 hr. Session
Free Session Rate is offered when available and can cover up to *8 sessions if helpful. Please feel free to ask if helpful.
Once your rate is confirmed, that rate may be packaged into four-session pre-paid packages.
-Ongoing Clients Partial and Full Scholarship Rates: Please ask if this would make sessions accessible for you. These are offered when funds are available and based on client need and request. More info is on this page and through various outside funding organizations.
We recognize, some clients would prefer one time intensive rates for focused support. The following are offered as one-time intensive rates, as opposed to ongoing packaged rates. Please feel free to review these and let me know if you have any questions or considerations.
If you would like to request teaching or workshops for your organization or group, please feel free to ask.
-One-time, one-hour, one-off consultation rate: $540hr.
-One-time Intensive Partial or Full Day Consultation offered as available — please ask.
Partial Day and Full Day options are available.
Please feel welcome to ask if you have any questions. Please also refer to the client intake forms and contract for additional information re: policies.
In warmth of care,