Empowered Wellbeing is a Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Practice that integrates

  • Meditation, Mindfulness, Traditional Healing Ways, Yogic Principles

  • Parts Work (TIST, IFS, EFIT, and IPNB), Somatic Methods and Expressive Arts Process Work

  • Grief, Shock and Trauma Recovery Models (DBR)

  • Neuroscience, Polyvagal and Attachment Theory Based Care

  • Social Justice, Identity, Mediation and Relational Frameworks

  • Relational and Compassion Based Frameworks

  • Vitalist, TCM and other Ethno-Herbalism; Functional and Integrative Mental Health Education and Support

  • What services are offered

    • Weekly Ongoing and Intensive Sessions for Individuals

    • Intensive Sessions for Partners, Families or Groups

    • Consultation and Mentorship for other Helping Professionals

  • Who might seek our services

    • Folks seeking support for recovery from effects of sexual trauma, colonial and imperial trauma, poverty trauma, workplace and institutional trauma, narcissistic abuse trauma, and intergenerational and lateralized trauma

    • Folks seeking support with some confusing, complex or chronic mental health conditions; we may offer care as part of a collaborative team — please ask if interested

    • Folks seeking Relational Support in an Intersectional Framework in which partners are actively seeking to engage in fulfilling and co-creative equitable collaboration and/or transition from an unfulfilling and stuck transactional relationship to a Collaborative Intersectional Framework — please feel free to join the waitlist, spaces open up in Sept 2024

    • Those seeking to develop or strengthen practice as an active Bystander (supportive person and presence) and/or co-advocate in situations with imbalanced power dynamics and power over abuse

  • How do we work

    • via Integrated Applied Yogic Principles, Mindfulness and Meditation; Parts Work (IFS, TIST, EFIT); Neuroanatomy based (DBR, CranioSacral, IPNB, PVT, NMT…) shock and integrative trauma recovery models; SSP (Safe and Sound Protocol) and Brainspotting, Grief Education Support

    • with a Decolonizing Oriented Intersectional Framework and accompanying relational support (RLT, CI, EFIT, Simplicity Parenting; Ancestral and Lateral Community Care; Progressive Parenting and Education Support (Student Directed Pedagogy Based, Council in the School, NVC and IFS applied); Vitalist, Peruvian and TCM Herbalism and Functional CAM Mental Health Support; Ethno-Integrative Support

  • What do Sessions Look Like

    • They are typically held via Zoom or another video platform, or Signal, WhatsApp or Phone if that is more accessible.

    • Weekly sessions are usually scheduled for an hour, with options to extend the time if needed and as time is available.

    • Clients are encouraged to have what relatively comforting items they can make available with them during session, sometimes it can be a piece of fabric, the words of a poem or song they like or lean on, sand tray items, painting or drawings items, space to move, stuffed animals, or nothing. Some folks like to be in nature when we meet, some like to be inside, and some may cohabit with others or are in the midst of protests, actions, in between survival moments … so they make space for sessions where and as they can. Some folks like to have a journal to take notes in, water bottle and a handkerchief or tissues, if these are available. The most important thing is to bring oneself, and we go from there.

    • Then based on how a person works best, sessions may be verbal, somatic, arts based, in the language of math…whatever supports a person to express and connect with their own mind/conscience is where we start and then we apply processes for support, such as: parts work, non dominant handwriting, movement based trauma recovery work, Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP), nature of mind work, ancestral and intergenerational trauma recovery processes…etc.

    • The practitioner supports with facilitation of the process and clients also learn over time how to do these processes for themselves, as learning is social and relational in many ways. Sometimes the practitioner will take time with clients, if they’d like it, and breakdown what process was done and how it worked, so clients can take those insights and practices with them.

Further breakdown of services:

Some communities supported are:

  • Adults Healing from Childhood Sexual Abuse

  • Adults Healing from Intergenerational and Historic Trauma

  • Adults Healing and/or Recovering from Addictions, including food, alcohol and process addictions

  • Adults Seeking Professional Support as they work the 12 Steps and 16 Steps

  • Adults Recovering from Intimacy and Sexual Anorexia

  • Adults seeking support with Anxiety, Depression and/or Grief

  • Adults seeking support with Narcissistic Trauma Recovery: Colonial, Institutional, Interrelation and Workplace Abuse/Mobbing

  • Adults seeking support with integration of Social Justice Informed Compassionate Communication (NVC), Parts Dialogue (TIST, EFIT and IFS), Meditation, Energy Work and Yogic Principles into their daily lives

  • Parents, Community Support Professionals and Caregivers

  • Individual and Group Consultation for Helping Professionals — Integrative and Intersectional Lens

  • Support for recovery from Codependent, Grandiose, and Narcissistic Relational Dynamics

  • Dismantling Racism and Chauvinism through Self Inquiry, Compassionate Engagement and Cross-Cultural Fluency Work

Support with:

  • Acute and Complex Trauma: including Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Intergenerational Trauma, Racialized Trauma, Narcissistic Abuse Trauma

  • Complex Trauma Dissociation Care via these models: primarily TIST, DBR, PVT, EFIT, IPNB and IFS

  • Grief Support (Acute, Complex, Ambiguous…)

  • Addiction

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Equity and Power related Mental Health Impacts

  • Chronic Health related Mental Health Challenges

  • Functional Neurological Mental Health Needs (as Allied CAM Care)

  • Personality Disorders/Character Structures

  • Relational Support (partners, couples, families, groups…)

  • Complex Mental Health Presentations

  • Applying Traditional Healing Ways, Principles and Practices

Please note: As a CAM Practitioner, I do not diagnose, though clients with pre-existing diagnosis/es are welcome.

Current Fellowships/Externships:

  • Psychiatry Redefined Two Year

  • Herbalism Clinical Practice

  • Peruvian Medicine Immersion One Year

Some Integrated Models and Frameworks offered:

  • Trauma Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST); Deep Brain Re-orienting (DBR); Internal Family Systerms (IFS); Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB); Nonviolent Communication (NVC); Mindfulness, Meditation and Yogic Principles from Traditional Studies; Polyvagal Theory and Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)…and more

  • Vitalist and Traditional Chinese Herbology, Functional and Integrative Mental Health Frameworks

  • Grief and Addiction (including 12 Step supportive) Care and Education Models

  • Social Justice and Intersectional Feminist Frameworks


We are a BIPOC owned and led organization.

SILENCE IS EXTREME VIOLENCE. It is not violent to condemn oppression and mass murder by governments and corporations who are abusing a non-consensual power over stance, just as one would not applaud or uplift domestic violence, nor victim blame the one bearing the impact and falsely portray a perpetrator as a noble victim of having to put the other in its abused state. Rather it is extreme allegiance to a false sense of privileged, power-dynamic ignorant “neutrality” and silence in the wake of violent oppression and mass murder that allows those who benefit from oppression to maintain ignorance and status quo while those more vulnerable have no voice available to stop the violence enacted against them by domineering entities. SILENCE, COMMITMENT TO IGNORANCE AND OUTRIGHT MANIPULATION OF THE TRUTH IS COMPLICIT WITH AND IN ITSELF EXTREME VIOLENCE when witnessing oppression and mass murder of a clearly more vulnerable people anywhere.

Free Palestinians, Free Kashmiris, Free The DRC, Free Sudan, Free Turtle Island First Nations; End the U.S. Government Occupation and Murderous Sanctions in the SWANSA/Middle East North Africa/Sahel Region, in the Global South, on Turtle Island, in Cuba, in Haiti, in Jamaica in East Asia…end the occupation everywhere, all forms. End the violence of ruthless Empire and occupation of the Indigenous, Native and Co-Native communities everywhere.

A good summary on Palestine: linked here and here. Stop Occupying Palestine and the Global South! Stop destroying people’s lives and defending snowflake bullying rhetoric of needing protection.

New Links:

Zionism just sounds like an interesting word, but here is what Zionism leaves in its wake, dehumanization, death and destruction:

-Israel’s massacre maims children, leaves them as amputees and without anesthesia for the amputations, link here.

-Re-sharing: Israel malnourishes Palestinian children. This was going on before Oct 8th, and became more extreme after that. Zionist Israeli Citizens (the majority of Israel, except the actual progressive humanitarians who don’t dehumanize Palestinians), it’s government and Israeli Defense Forces are starving families to death. An update is linked here. An older report is re-linked here.

-Ongoing effects of trauma on the people of Gaza, a report on the children’s mental health is linked here.

-Stranded and orphaned children in Gaza, linked here.

-In the West Bank, Palestinian children are detained by Israel, often without reason, and some are subject to rape and other forms of violence, including torture. The day that was being reported, the Israeli Offense Forces invaded the non profit organization that had the reports and smashed all their computers, and the SAME WEEK/DAY the Israeli Government and New York Times released completely fictional and now thoroughly multiple times over debunked claims that Hamas had mass raped Israeli women — completely an abuse of political power to use Anti-Black/Brown narratives to falsely paint Brown men as rapists, to cover up that Israel is raping Palestinian men and boys in documented large numbers. Archived links will be reposted. Still the world is disgustingly silent during an active genocide and sitting in learned helplessness versus believing their eyes when they see Palestinians maimed, tortured, strapped to vehicles, buried alive…in front of their very own eyes. What allows this level of denial — racism! Would this violence to children, families, anyone seen as white be tolerated — nope! This dehumanization of Brown and Black people is Disgusting!!!!!!!!!

-Israel holding 21,000 Palestinian hostages, conditions worse than torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo — Beyond Chilling TORTURE and the U.S. is not only complicit, but possibly an active participant. Link here.

-Outright Genocide: Ben Gvir, Israel’s National Security Minister, advocates for the death penalty to “solve” the Israeli problem of kidnapping and detaining too many Palestinians with no reason, linked here.

Zionism, Supremacy, Colonialism — all oppression and mass murder - extinction projects. End the violence now!!!!!!!!

Media Literacy Notes for June:

Israeli paper Haaretz, linked here, and NYT report, linked here, on Israeli infiltration of U.S. Media and Social Media to share false stories of anti-semitism violence on U.S. College Campuses and condemn Palestinian Rights Anti-Genocide/War Protests.

More mass media and major politician LIES! Karen Bass and other California politicians are aiding and abetting war criminals too! A few days ago anti-genocide protesters found out that Zionists were going to have a sale of illegally seized West Bank (Palestinian) land to Zionist Jews only on U.S. soil — that is both a war crime and redlining! The sale was scheduled to happen in West Los Angeles, California, Unites States. The War Criminals who were putting up this redlining sale to Zionist Jewish Purchasers shielded themselves by trying to have this illegal sale happen in a Jewish Synagogue, once again Zionists using Judaism as a cover, as a shield for their illegal actions, when Judaism has nothing to do with war crimes. The mass media and California politicians lined up to falsely defame the anti-genocide and anti-war crimes protesters as anti-semitist worship blockers. Instead, one would think the role of U.S. Elected Officials is to STOP WAR CRIMES and REDLINING! How far does this go? This is going on on U.S. Soil! The Zionists are using the Jewish Faith as a shield for their continued land theft, they are the ones using human shields. The Jewish Faith has nothing to do with Zionism. Zionism is such a sick form of psychopathy and will stop at nothing to groom people — it has always been a multi theocratic death cult bent on using members of the Jewish community as a shield. This violence must STOP!

Here is video footage of Zionists antagonizing and gaslighting protesters. Link here (last third of the video). Credit to Katie Halper for her continued insightful, honest and courageous journalism!

Later this month: exposing the Zionism Grooming Project and how to navigate propagandist media and not fall prey to the grooming. Read below in Media Literacy Updates.

  • Decolonizing Trauma Care takes divestment from Empire Violence to end violent oppression, suppression and aggression, in order to create the post-colonial space to address the effects of colonial trauma.

    Many “post-colonial” communities, don’t actually have an interruption of suppression and coercion from the Empire, economically and politically in particular, to be truly and fully post-colonial in their recovery stage and are often coerced by outside forces to re-enact internalized colonial harm laterally on their own community members tragically — here we name the violence of puppets and acclimating gatekeepers taken out on their own community and neighboring community members. These proxy violence enactors get rewarded and personally enriched by a Western Hegemonic Global Empire that conducts proxy and covert domination operations daily it seems and inspires and applauds micro instances of these violences in their marketplace and institutions, even calling this violence by a million different faces liberal progress! We see this double speak in the liberal abuse of woke language while enacting antithetic proxy violence behavior, sometimes with and sometimes without awareness of the violence they are enacting. Ignorance does not mean that accountability must go by the way side. The woke language isn’t the issue (even though authoritarian leaders may try to convince the masses it is), it’s the violent co-opting of woke language to cloak and sell Empire enriching violence that has managed to weaponize liberatory language in the name of Empire violence. It’s up to the people collectively to keep the language of liberation and reject the framework of Hegemonic Violence that gets dishonestly coupled with liberatory language by Empire Vandals of various political affiliations.

    To further interrupt the covert violence, here we post some updates on global and local news. This is an action to support people who are being oppressed and isolated by the state to have their stories told and witnessed, interrupting suppressive enforced isolation on people who are marginalized. It also interrupts the gaslighting that is often employed by the Empire to keep people tangled in psychological distress and confusion.

    Archived writings are being moved to the blog section over the next several months. The links will be published in the coming moths.

    A link to page with archived updates on 2023-2024 Palestine Freedom Solidarity - coming soon. This intro was revised for readability on 5/12/24.

  • The second part of an Interview with The GrayZone’s award winning American Jewish Journalist Max Blumenthal. Linked here.

    This is especially relevant as we witness peaceful anti-war, anti-apartheid, anti-genocide protesters are being asked to “reflect on their actions,” a common gaslighting phrase from those gatekeeping for the maintenance of a policing/authoritarian establishment over the needs of humans and humanity on the whole. Again, is the tactic to uphold and/or assimilate into an amoral empire built on the necropolitics of racializing, impoverishing and terrorizing/attacking it’s own and other global citizens, as the U.S. Government has been doing for decades? Or is the goal to dismantle hegemonic systems of violent, race to the top, one-person-left-standing economic, political, physical and psychological violence that eventually deprive everyone of dignity and human rights? The latter is decolonizing, the former is assimilating, bootstrapping, physically, economically and psychologically violent as a long term strategy in any scale.

  • Code Pink offers a link to send a letter to your local representative online very easily. Here is the link. Please consider reading, signing if it aligns with your beliefs in freedom of speech and human rights protection, and please also share! Let’s be clear, this is yet another way that the U.S.Government is attempting to be directly active in genociding Palestinians.

  • Updates to be posted throughout the week on these and other topics.


    -Understanding the recent weekend seige on Gaza and Israeli laws as they affect Palestinians link here


    - A video of what losing a home means: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VNuqIGIZ6jk

    There's no moral ground for being displaced by foreign invaders and then returning hundreds of years later to old native land and pushing other co-natives who were able to remain there of their homes, all for your own family's personal sense of "security," in a second home! We all mourn the original displacement which happened at the hands of other invaders, the co-native Palestinians never did that! and they are NOT white supremacists who enacted vile anti-Semitism against Jewish people. In fact, over the centuries, Palestinians have provided refuge and maintained a native population of Jewish community members. Euro descended colonizers purposely distort and lie about history to avoid simple accountability and self esteem building relational repair, opting instead to bully others into giving them a pass for their outrageously amoral behavior. Learn to mourn and grieve, don't re-enact that violence on other innocent people and demand that they take it while you concentrate and shut them up and get worried they will want their homes back, and then incredulously go murdering them -- why is anyone entitled to take over and live in others' homes? That is psychotic! The U.S. is a squatter murder and displacement colonizer state on top of Turtle Island. It has no justice to be where it is, but is taking up the space and demanding everyone be okay with that with no remorse and demands that everyone have amnesia to it's murder spree founding and continued genocide of natives, the descendants of the enslaved and newly displaced and trafficked. Here we are watching Israel, a U.S.-British Proxy State, murdering, displacing, and taking homes and lives with a self proclaimed amoral murder edict that it has decreed to be above question. Why are Zionist entitled to displace other native Palestinians that, when this whole stealing land and homes project was conceived 130 years ago, had never hurt them and were in fact their safe refuge for so many hundreds and even thousands of years....a Palestine that was a co-existing community of many religions and walks of life, rich in culture, integrity, education, dignity and history! What moral is there to decreeing the Palestinians as less than because someone who has been seen as "white" wants their land and is then aloud to go on a displacing spree, taking their homes and gaslighting the world into thinking Israeli Zionist settlers and Zionist funders of the murder project are the victims of their own thieving and murdering project? None, no morals at all. No logic, no sanity. Stealing peoples homes and fearing they will want their homes back and using that as justification to mass murder them is full insanity. Only racism allows "confused" white American masses to be "confused" that stealing brown peoples' houses is not okay, because that "confusion" is the foundation most Americans have stomached as what gives them an infallible right to live without healthy shame about empire building and continuing to genocide natives on stolen land. Rather than mourning the loss of moral choice making that led to these awful inhumane projects, and making meaningful relational repairs that could set the whole world back on a healthy track, they want to sit fetted and unquestioned on stolen native land and continue to genocide, displace and dismantle native populations everywhere. What edict can decree this behavior as acceptable anywhere? According to many anti-Zionist Jews, Zionists are misusing the term Judaism to defend this violent project. Oppressing and murdering is in NO WAY part of Judaism. What we understand is the self centered motivations of founding settler colonial Zionists, cult brainwashing of descendant Zionists, and America's unexamined belief that murdering brown people for a murder economy of stability, is allowing this wanton selfish murder project to continue, especially in Palestine. This is not Judaism, this is settler colonial racism!!!! and it must stop NOW. Enough has always been enough from moment one of this murderous nonsense against the Palestinians and so many others! End the oppression, end the murder, give these people proper medical care, stop murdering their physicians, stop murdering their press, given them the funds to rebuild their lives without putting them in debt to the murderous Zionist-U.S. Government- British Empire hell project!!!!


    - The truth about what college chancellors are prioritizing: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3RN5Qk08V0Y

    - This colonization and murderous violence has been on going, before Oct 7th! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nG8KHsJ2Ah0


    An interesting interview with researcher William Costello by Novara’s Ash Sarkar about incel culture, misogyny, misandry and dating and mating beliefs and myths. Link here.


    The U.S./British nepo-colonial project has falsely normalized such gruesome heinous acts of dehumanization, mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide in the name of one political body’s desire for dominance and maintenance of dominance. Over the years its so unquestioned as stability and normalcy, that conversations about what to do about copy-cat serial murdering and genociding nations beocmes challenging for empire groomed and co-opted members of the public, which is most people who consume mass media and benefit from industrialized enslavement and trafficking economy, th U.S. public middle and upper classes as an example, have a hard time to wrap their minds around understanding that repetition of this enslavement and trafficking model is dangerous and or amoral in any way.

    As one instance, the U.S. Government needs to be legally tried for the ongoing genocide of First Nations People of Turtle Island, as that project is still in process via pipelines, trafficked and missing humans, and continued covert and overt institutional operations that restrict, control, subjugate and undermine sovereignty, economic access, basic dignity and human rights of native peoples on land that the U.S. Government has amorally and illegally thieved and occupied, and continues to occupy and expand onto to this day! A quick researching of how many toxic pipeline and waste dumping projects have been diverted onto lands that native peoples have been sequestered onto by the U.S. Government (self legitimized colonial occupiers) reveals that this project is ongoing and intentional. No, this form of violence is not moral no matter how many times amoral people have done it before. It is mentally violent and disturbing. To take power and legitimize bullying in all forms is a sickness and violent, whether done by the government directly, or by U.S. corporations and/or individuals that keep enacting this violence towards the native population with impunity, it is clear that this is an ongoing genocide and has no signs of abating, let alone turning around and facing a moral direction. Any moral and ethical gains won are through hard work and sacrifice often of native peoples and U.S. Citizens willing to look at these hard truths and divest from existing as an occupational force on the land with the groomed and clueless masses. The U.S. public daily lives in and speaks in ways that reinforce politicide of native peoples, who still exist here and have a right to exist with dignity and humane, eco-sustainable and relational living conditions!

    Of course we also then need to look at the continued undermining and subjugating of African and LatinX/a/o descendants on the mainland and Island communities and nations. A quick look at Haiti or Cuba with a native history, not a whitewashed empire based history, gives clarity of the smothering grip of U.S. Empire which will not allow any group of people to regain sovereignty under its watch. If it’s sense of economic domination is threatened, the U.S. Government seems to give itself permission to strike at anyone with little to no consideration, but lots of feel good language to co-opt public buy in, because the public ultimately is comprised of people who want to do the right thing, but have no idea how groomed they are all the time to co-sign the actions of a vicious occupier and/or bully, the U.S. Government. Some displaced peoples are so removed from the root of the economic conditions that uprooted them, they only see the surface conditions and the U.S. Government arriving as the hero of a violence which they often seeded covertly. So with little knowledge or understanding that they are now supporting the interconnected violence that uprooted them, they are willing to support the U.S. Government’s violent actions elsewhere. Sometimes they will say they don’t care, because at least they are safer near the eye of the occupier than being in the grips of it, “so what are you gonna do, the death machine has to kill someone, it’s okay if it’s not me/my family. I can’t afford to care, that’s what put us in the crosshairs and grips of a bully in the first place.” The eat or be eaten mentality recycles itself and gets more virulently cold in expression with each turn in this way. This is the root of lateralized oppression, internalized, incentivized and acted out within marginalized communities. It’s the basis for occupiers recruiting marginalized community members as proxies, puppets, tokens and mascots to do their empire violence for hire and BIPOC, pinkwash or rags-to riches wash it as feel good diversity. This is one way the DEI movement got hijacked by the Western Hegemony and twisted by opportunist or naive marginalized folks caught in the empire domination game. DEI at it’s core is not inherently violent, but it has become another tool in the hands of The Empire and it takes clarity to spot the difference.

    That’s why some say, as an example of lateralized violence, the empire violence enacted by opportunist and assimilating BIPOC/GM, QT and/or peoples formerly in the clenches of Empire based poverty is even more cold and ruthless than the violence enacted by their white, aggressively heterodominating and/or class elite counterparts. These are just some examples of marginalized communities subject to empire games of division. There are other marginalized identities and communities and other methods of divisiveness employed by the empire. Of course, the very creation of marginalized identities and communities is an Empire social and cultural project used to manufacture consent to enact violence towards people now deemed as other.

    Yet through all of this, some displaced peoples and their descendants have so fresh the sense of understanding of this violent system that they continue to push back on the occupier in solidarity with stopping harm everywhere as best they can and with the understanding they can access. The era of social media from multiperspective platforms has made views of the empire and understanding of it more accessible than ever before and of course this threatens the empire and people can witness again how the empire controls information spin and access and then scapegoats truth tellers to maintain dominance and subjugation in its mass plunder, mass murder campaigns globally and domestically.

    Then of course we can easily witness the overt, covert and proxy empire holding, coercion, undermining and decimation of communities, nations, ecosystems and land throughout the global south, many island nations and in places not as documented elsewhere, nonethless impacted by empire. If we understand ecology, then there is an easy undertanding that violence covert, overt or proxy, affects the environment and all beings interdependent with and within it everywhere. No human is above that law of consequence, even if a private space transport container takes them to another planet to escape temporarily, while continuing to exploit others to mine the earth and pillage another planet selfishly on their behalf, all under some guise that they are acting nobly to explore for the good of all humans to leave the planet they have destroyed almost single handedly. They will not evacuate all humans from harmful conditions, on earth or in outer space, this empire violence has to continue to cultivate a mining labor class to support its exploits. Humans are dependent on earth no matter how class privileged and lacking in compassionate and empathic intelligence they become. That is the outcome of such gripping power usurpation — no human is designed to command that much power without co-holding the corollary repsonsibilities. That much usurpation of power irresponsibly rots the psychological and psychic core of any individual. That is another core issue with class politics when some people acquire and exploit wealth as power to the detriment of others, some from hypocritical fear of facing the dire poverty they are plunging others into with their holding, and others from sheer entitled greed and belief in their superiority and the correlating need to protect their supposed superiority and the myth of their superiority at any cost. Myths of superiority are often slippery as they sound benign and self caring to the individual benefitting from the privilege, but what superiority myths and related pracfices from actual self care is that they are laden with a practice of being willing to cut off care for humanity of others in order to persist in violent strategies or if ever they perceive the slightest obstruction or quibble exists with their unfettered sense of right of way, and that cutting off of care has been normalized as “right” by all sorts of noble sounding fluff e.g. ‘we are doing it for their good’ to ‘the planet is better without these parasites’. It’s obviously hypocritical thinking to any truly unbiased onlooker, as the truth is there is nothing noble about being self-deceived about being better than and entitled to act as a classist parasite on the rest of existence.

    Witnessing of the Western Hegemonic Empire’s actions and their myths of superiority are surfacing now with alarming speed for some and predictable pace for others, nonethless the discrepancies between observable fact and blatant lies are becoming harder and harder for a growing number of impacted people to continue to normalize. The truth is the Western Hegemonic Empire with the U.S. Government at the helm is a death machine that has no idea that it is set to consume everyone, including itself. It will not stop itself and needs anything with approximately similar or same force to get its attention to stop it. That is a big ask for enablers awaiting their turn to sit on the throne and ruling court of empire to call out and stop all this violence that they are on the waitlist to profit off of. It’s up to the impacted and waking masses to reclaim agency and call out that this myth of ‘oppressor entitled violence as benign’ is amoral, illogical, dangerous and genocidal and eco-cidal at its end point.

    End empire violence. End normalizing an economy of mass murder, destruction and ecoside. Consider active socially engaged ahmisa (non harm), rather than a privileged, checked out, passive ahimsa, which is inherently classist and violent collusion in the hands of the empire. Seek out progressive news and press that shares the voices of the oppressed and the impacted and what they are needing for support. Consider acting in solidarity with the oppressed by calling for an end to empire and oppressor violence anywhere where your voice can have impact. Don’t underestimate the power of any one voice, yours or anothers and use them to end the usurpation of power and the enactment of grandiose violence everywhere. It’s one violence, it’s one movement to stop it.


    A Lee Camp interview with award winning Cuban Journalist and Filmmaker Liz Olivia Fernández. sharing the unheard stories from Cuba. Interview link here. The documentary link/s to Liz’s work can be found at bellyofthebeastcuba.com: streaming now, link here!


    Haiti being invaded by Western Imperialists — manufactured consent on colonial racialized basis. Interview with Dr. Jemima Pierre via BreakThrough News linked here.


    As Leopoldian levels of violence surge in The DRC (Dmocratic Republic of Congo), Western Hegemonic Violence via neighboring puppet governments and armies installed and/or armed by the West continue. Democracy Now! has been covering the latest updates in it’s daily news segments. Link to be posted.


    Western backed puppet government leader continues to assert domination against the well being of the majority there. Before inaguration the current leader announced he would “shock” the Argentinian economy, signaling that he would implement Friedman shockenomics tactics of Western Imperial economy seizure with accompanying violent inflation and political chaos. Media spin on behalf of the few who are pocketing the money rapaciously plundered from the public is publicized as a growing GDP of “the nation” to cover up the plummeting wealth of the majority. Meanwhile witness fascist back up of U.S. Government Political Agenda on the rise, via the recent U.N. G.A. vote against Palestinian Statehood. Another country in the Global South marked for U.S. Governmental plunder. Look for news about the U.N. G.A. Vote this past week and staggering/death bringing inflation in Argentina for the latest. Links will be updated soon.


    ACTIVE MEASURES broadcast recently launched by journalists Kit Klarenberg and Alex Rubinstein. Updates about color revolutions and more nerdy news that gets under NATO propaganda can be found here.


    Journalist Whitney Webb, known for insightful and courageous journalism discusses the recent round of U.S. Oligarchic terror on Global South Economies, land theft and debt interview linked here.


    Mitt Romney and Blinken name outright that the U.S. Governments Authoritarian shut down of social media was to curb public access of images of what is actually happening to Palestinians and anti-genocide activists, to control the PR (Public Relations). Here is a link.

    Media Freedom vs Western Hegemony

    Julian Assange and TikTok Updates

    Revolutionary Blackout Network, Nick at Noon/Night proclaims Golden Age of Journalism in this interview with Presidential Candidate Dr. Jill Stein link here

    Calling In Western Mass Media Complicity in Violence, Mass Murder and Plausible Genocide — Protesting mass murder complicity of the Western Mass Media link here.

    Ending the Death Penalty

    The Missouri Supreme Court set an execution date of June 11th, 2024, for David Hosier. Over the coming week's we'll be sharing more information about David, but right now we need you to Sign and share the petition asking Governor Parson to grant clemency today!

    From MADPMO: “The death penalty perpetuates a cycle of violence and does not serve as an effective deterrent to crime. Clemency for David Hosier would demonstrate compassion and a commitment to justice that goes beyond retribution.”

    They also mention that there is often, and in this case, lack of direct and reliable evidence, often unfair trial setup, and these charges often get carried out on poor people who cannot access or pay for the legal support they need.

    The death penalty, just like the death and wage gap, is a form of institutionalized penury, wherein people with privilege who levy laws are intentionally ignorant and/or willing to marginalize, target and incriminate people with little to no access to move out of oppressive poverty. This has sometimes been in governmental and privatized structures that are designed to extract relatively all or most of the earnings or little accumulated wealth from the poor and working classes to keep them indentured and dependent on the state and corporate strategies.

  • Continued Debunking of Rape Allegations. These allegations have been used immorally to rouse public support for continued apartheid and mass murder

    • 5/8/24 Journalist Briahna Joy Gray debunks the renewed claims without evidence, linked here.

    Found Mass Graves of hundreds of civilians including children, elderly and medical professionals; People Buried Alive; Organ Theft; IOF/IDF (Israeli Occupation/Defense Force) using Palestinians as Human Shields as usual in Gaza; …all from one of the recent obliterations of a hospital by the IOF/IDF (Israeli Offensive/Occupying Forces), updated links.

    -News Links and Reflections:

    • 4/27/24 Re-post

    • Hundreds of children, elderly, adult civilians including medical professionals found in mass graves update
      Gentle Intro News Link here.
      Many International News Outlets have covered this story. This is just one link.

    • Activation alert— graphic description of reality: mass graves of people some found bound and tied, some executed, some in medical scrubs, some elderly, some children, many mutilated…looks like some possibly soiled and may have been buried alive, indications of bodies opened and organs illegally stolen and likely trafficked…
      Graphic footage of mass grave recovery with so e forensic analysis and invitation for 3rd party analysis linked here.

    • Please remember the humanity of the people found dead here and those mourning and doing this recovery effort. This is truly horrific treatment of any people, each one with lives, loved ones, culture, dreams, hopes… Other atrocities do not diminish or change this one (as this is where the Israeli Zionists tend to deflect and act as if the world did not mourn their losses — not true, we are all mourning, that’s why we want to end this vicious occupation which Freud and Einstein warned us would lead to where we are today) All losses matter and none can be used to excuse this violent genocidal mass murder.

      They are asking for a third party to come in and do an investigation — they are waiting to see if racist Western countries will allow that support to be brought in or will they try to cover their violence up (U.S., London, German, Austrian and Israeli Governments need to be watched carefully here, they are not credible third parties as possible co-enactors of genocide)

      Will people respond with the same humanizing offered to Ukranian civilians who were matryred?
      How much evidence do we need? When we say evidence, we really mean, how many more victims of cruel, machiavellian torture, abuse and slaughter are we going to allow Israeli-U.S.-U.K.-German Western Coalition of Genocidal Governments and their racist enablers to continue to murder? Ther are not numbers or evidence, they are people!!!! Please see the website wearenotnumbers.org
      This violence makes clear the racist ideology of the West that has made this and the atrocities across the global south possible for centuries. Remember the #1 U.S. Governmental xport is racism! It is so insidious that Western cultures are allergic to having their racism brought to their attention — we call that allergic reaction to truth, “fragility,” wherein people want to believe they are morally righteous without interrogating what they actively participate in or silently allow to happen in their name.

    • People can also educate themselves out of a denialism that allows complicity in racial and capitalist violence nationally in the U.S. and around the world. It’s important to hear from a variety of sources and ask for observable facts, versus give in to coercion or demands that people be trusted because they are exercising white or wealth based privilege.

    • Important Historcial Context Videos

    • 4/27/24 re-post DELUGE, authors interviewed

      • Interview with Co-Authors: Jamie Stern-Weiner, Ahmed Alnaouq, and Colter Louwerse. Ahmed Alnaouq is one of the founders of We Are Not Numbers. Interview starts at 31:13 min in. on the Useful Idiots Podcast with Katie Halper and Aaron Mate. Interview linked here.

    • Context Video: How Israel Weaponizes the Holocaust to Justify Killing Palestinians, Scholar and Author Tony Greenstein shares from his book “Zionism During the Holocaust.” Video is linked here.

    • Context Video: ei offers a report that helps to give context to voices more heard in Western Media. Link here.

    Campus Protest Updates
    5/13/24link here

    • UCLA’s Daily Bruin publishes an account of the pro-Zionist/pro settler colonialism attack of the anti-genocide protesters link here.

    • Op/Ed: How is it responsible that Duke University has Seinfeld speak at a commencement after his wife was the chief donor to one of the most violent pro-Zionism protests on a campus at UCLA this past month? Doctors at Ronald Reagan Hospital in L.A. were at the ready each night when the pro-Zionism supporters attacked the quietly resting anti-genocide/anti-apartheid protesters in the middle of the night, causing physical bodily harm. We know this because we were at the hospital by happenstance talking with medical staff that night and they were watching the footage streamed live and readying staff in case. From what we witnesses, the protesters were all clear that they were not to engage with pro-settler colonial agitators, as was even seen on agitator videos. Are U.S. Higher Education Institutions more beholden to the radical support of a foreign Ethnostate dedicated to ethnically cleansing the co-natives off the land in Historic Palestine, or are they willing to protect civilians, children and young adults, at home and everywhere? We hope the U.S. Government and Higher Education Institutions will demonstrate their dedication to their own youth civilians by not violating their freedom of speech and peaceful assembly rights and by not allowing them to be battered by pro-colonial apartheid enthusiasts, and not having the peuceful student protesters unlawfully detained by the police. In one of the most repulsive abusive uses of police force, the police stood down while anti-genocide protesters were being beaten with metal poles and having fireworks, chemicals and maybe even mice deployed into their encampment by pro-Zionism protesters. The police were then brought in the next day and night to arrest and violently tear down the encampment of peacful anti-genocide protesters, even the day after the anti-genocide protesters were attacked by pro-Zionism/pro-settler colonial protesters. Why were the pro-mass murder violators not arrested and instead given space to scream, spit and beat students?

      Having visited the anti-genocide/ anti-apartheid encampment at UCLA on different days, we witnessed people of different ethnicities and cultural backgrounds gathered together, praying together, sharing meals and education. They were peaceful, there was clear call for freedom of the Palestinian people from apartheid and mass murder campaigns by Zionists. There was a clearly written goal of having the universtity divest from companies/funding that are directly involved in apartheid and mass murder of Palestinians.

      On the third or fourth afternoon there was pindrop silence amongst hundreds of students in peaceful solidarity, even as police were lining up members of the anti-genocide protest to be arrested during the day. The only sound was a loud pro-Zionist agitator shouting at the silent protesters to take off the masks they were wearing —taunting them as “hiding their faces,” even though it was clear that the students were wearing the face masks to responsibly prevent the spread of infections while in close quarters.

      The anti-genocide protests have been peacefully co-lead by Palestinian American and Jewish students side by side in solidarity. It’s anti-semitic to monolith and characterize all Jews as Zionists, discounting their own desire to not be identified with a project of settler colonialism and oppression. Zionists may not understand that settler colonialism, genocide and apartheid is what is being carried out in the name of their ideology, and it is important to understand that for 130+ years, illegal land seizures and mass taunting and killing of Palestinians and routine destruction of their homes, cultural and learning institutions, communities…whole families, villages, towns…completely destroyed has been the regular course of action to “clear” the land for an exclusive Jewish ethnostate, that not all Jewish Community Members are aligned with creating in this way, on top of the ruins and mass graves of native/co-native Palestinians. Palestine always historically included people of various religious backgrounds co-existing. The idea of inventing a democratic, multi-theocratic state where all people are free, including Jews and Palestinians together, was and still is Historic Palestine. Palestine is not a threat to democracy or co-existence, but it is in the way of an exclusive ethnostate that desires to occupy the land for themselves, even to merciless ends as is being demonstrated day after day, year after year. Ceasefire is never enforced for ZIonists who routinely “mow the lawn,” carpet bomb, expel people and/or weld front doors to trap people in their homes and make certain streets exclusive for Zionist travel only. This has been video documented for decades. Extremist Zionist setter colonialism that is dedicated to exclusivity and chauvinist policies of dehumanizing Palestinians needs to be looked at and divested from as an ideology. Chauvinist policies are a challenge everywhere, whether it’s via U.S. Manifest Destiny and the resurfacing of it via the Proud Boys campaign or it’s the caste system in India, what seems like a call to excellence, belies a second priority to underclass and/or extinguish people seen as “other” as less than.

      Again Einstein, Freud, Pappe were not aligned with the underlying violence of the Zionist project, so it is historically consistent that acclaimed scholars and academics would dissent as they are en masse in this moment. The clear goal of the protest being to end the brutal occupation, oppression and mass murder (plausible genocide) of Palestinians. End Imperialism everywhere, freedom for all peoples!


    • UPenn Campus Protest Update Covered by Journalist Owen Jones link here.

    • The Grayzone updates on no graduation or class as usual available in Gaza — universities decimated, linked here.

    • 6/1/24

      • When liberal Zionist Jews, which does not represent all Jews, conflate criticism of Zionists in Israel with a feeling of “lack of safety” this is the results: link here — the wanton starvation, murder, orphaning, maiming, penury … of Palestinians whose land they still feel righteously entitled to steal. Zionists have industrialized the murder of Palestinians. As a famous Palestinian author has said, I paraphrase, ‘do they expect us to politely suicide ourselves to death.” End the genocide, apartheid and mass murder campaigns to kill native people for their land. The burning of Palestinian children is not new for Zionists; here is an interview with a father whose small 5 year old (kindergarten age) son was burned to death on a bus in Israel years ago: link here. This story is one of hundreds over the years.

    • 5/29/24

      • Violence against a foreign embassy is not something that Palestinian solidarity protesters are in solidarity with. For the most part protests worldwide for Palestinian rights have been peaceful, interrupting life as usual and solid in message to ceasefire, end occupation and divest from colonialsm. It has been a few paid pro-Zionist who are not aligned with Palestinian freedom who have enacted anti-semitic agent provocateur violence. Witnessing what happened in Mexico City, we do not stand with violence towards any embassies, Iranian, Israeli, or others.

    • 5/29/24

      • Rabbis Arrested trying to bring food to Gaza, saying the genocide does not reflect their deep humane values! link here to Rabbis speaking up for the values of Judaism in bringing an end to the occupation, mass murder, including ending starvation of Palestinians. They also document the Zionist Israeli project of walling off, occupying and concentrating millions of people in Gaza and starving and bombing them to death by the Israeli Military Forces and a faction of Israeli Zionist citizen colluders. To be clear the occupation and genocide is a colonial settler Zionist project. Not all Jews are Zionists as these rabbis are demonstrating as they say “not in our name.” They shed light on the lie that Israel’s government is trying to get food and critical humanitarian supplies to Palestinians and the corollary lie that the Palestinians are the ones obstructing the food and supplies getting in. The Israeli Government reportedly told the detained Rabbis that they were being arrested for trying to get food to the Palestinians. This is a continuation of British Empire Colonial Violence that starved millions to death in Bengal. Stop the Genocide, orphaning, traumatizing, mass maiming and massive disabling of Palestinians NOW!

    • Defending themselves by Bullying. The Grayzone covers the parallels between the aggressive Zionist counter protesters who attack and bully (their own words) peaceful anti-genocide student protesters (see the Great Palestinian March of Return where peaceful protesters were sniped at close raage by the IOF/IDF) as “defense” jus as the Israeli Government practices towards Palestinians. A clip by M. Johnson memorializes Theodore Herzl, often credited father of Zionism, who wrote in his diary of his wish to “spirit [the Palestinians] off their land.”

    • 5/23/24 We recognize many people do not know the history of what is being done in their names and with their tax dollars. Many people have bought into a lie that something is too complicated to understand and should be left to power-mad politicians to figure out — that’s a manufactured idea designed to keep people docile and in the dark as mass atrocities are committed in their names. Here are some easy to digest history links:

      • U.N. Lecture on 100 Years of Palestinian Occupation — how it started, understanding the British Empire. Link here.

      • Israeli Historian and Prof. Ilan Pappe being interviewed on The Sam Seder Report. Link Here.

    • op/eds to break down the colonial narrative:

      • Former Biden Staffer, AIPAC Supporter and Zionist, Lily Greenberg Call gives an interview about why she resigned from the Biden Administration. Link here.

      • UCLA Pro-Zionist Counter Protesters identified beating students protesters against U.S. funding of a genocide. Link here.

      • A comedian, Rathbone, breaks down the narrative of apartheid and mass murder defender, Destiny. Link here.

      • Social Media Streamer Hamzah Saadah meets with Israeli citizens and IOF/IDF soldiers who give candid expressions of their thoughts on Palestinians. Link here.

        At about 9min 40 sec there is an IOF soldier who gives circular logic: ‘all Palestinians are Hamas,’ then when that logic broke down, ‘Hammas is hiding behind civilians’,… and on and on with excuses. As you can witness, the deicision is to mass murder and the logic is constructed to defend that choice no matter the question. This commitment to mass murder Palestinians has been layed out by top Israeli Officials as well, as documented by the South Africans in the ICJ Court Documents.

      • Rahma Zein interview on Piers Morgan Uncensored. Keep in mind the colonial mentality behind Piers Morgan’s construction of logic and questions and how Egyptian Broadcaster Rahma Zein broke it down clearly. Link here.

      • Rania Khalek interview on Piers Morgan Uncensored, clarifying the absurdity of being demanded to condemn a slave revolt and uprising and being asked to instead support occupiers to continue a campaign of ethnic cleansing. Link here.

      • Contrast the racist coverage of Ukranians vs Palestinians.

    • Screams without Evidence. (Editor’s Note, later in the same day as this post was written, the editor found the same tagline: Screams Without Evidence, was used by Daniel Mate when speaking on the Bad Hasbara Podcast, linked here.) The baseless NYT gruesome mass rape fantasy fiction article dreamed up by Gettleman, once again discredited, this time by a long overdue AP investigation, proves that allegation of mass rape as a strategy on Oct 7th were FALSE. As Max Blumenthal, electronic intifada, Mondoweiss, and more recently The Intercept all revealed through commonplace journalistic due diligence, AP also concurs the claims are baseless. Once again calling into question the integrity of the Zionist response and the Israeli war cabinet’s relationship to Oct 7th, their lack of effort to bring back and assure safety of hostages, and accept ceasefire and full hostage swap deals with Hamas back in October and November of 2023, which Hamas fully agreed to. NO ONE seems to question why Israel has had 4000+ Palestinian Civilians in military detention on and before Oct 7th, including children, held without charge. No one ques ions why ‘ceasefires’ always include hundreds of killings of Palestinians by Israel — what ceasefire have Palestinians ever had? None. Investigations turn up credible evidenced reports of mass sexual abuse of Palestinian men and boys in the Israeli prisons by IDF/IOF (Israeli Occupation Forces) Members, while hours later false allegations of Hamas mass rape get thrown out by Western Mass Media and Governments to distract the public. Why are the rapes of Palestinians which have credible evidence constantly ignored, denied or overshadowed by completely fictionalized reports of Israeli’s being raped? It’s Emmet Till and the completely white supremacist imagination about brown people’s salacious savagery used to substantiate lies about the loss of white women’s virtue at heathen hands all over again, and it’s used to justify mass lynching of bodies racialized as brown. White supremacy is always disgusting, murderous and never surprising. AP Story via Palestine Chronicle linked here.

    • Found Mass Graves of hundreds of civilians including children, elderly and medical professionals; People Buried Alive; Organ Theft; IOF/IDF (Israeli Occupation/Defense Force) using Palestinians as Human Shields as usual in Gaza; …all from one of the recent obliterations of a hospital by the IDF, updated links.

    • Continued Kidnapping/Hostage Taking, Torture and Killing of Palestinians in the West Bank by settler colonizing Zionists.

      • 5/9/24 Updates:

      • A history of colonizing violence in the West Bank. By Pulitzer Winner Nathan Thrall, link here.

      • A link to an interview about an everyday experience in the West Bank with Nathan Thrall and Abed Salama. More can be read in Thrall’s “A Day in the Life of Abed Salama”

    • The Rise of Colonizing Zionism:

    • The documentary film Coup 53, and film Io Capitan, understanding the Western Empire’s Unrelented Desire to overturn democracies and steal and occupy hope and life in the SWANA region, as an example of decades of Western Governmental ventures of violence in the global south.

    • Kashmir, Islamophobia, Hindu Nationalism, India’s Independence, the Caste System, Brahminism and the Western Hegemon, a reflection on anti-colonization vs post-colonization in the Indian Diaspora and the connection with the movement for a Free De-occupied Palestine

    • Understanding the JNF role in the oppression and land theft of Palestinian homes:

    • Is the NYTimes credible? There is a history of articles that have propagandized ideas and lies about the movement for Black Lives being immigrant led to vulgar rape fantasy fiction — why are they the journalistic standard? A helpful ei video linked here.

    • The Petrodollar and the U.S. Government’s oil lust in the antagonizing of Iran.

    • Jewish Scholars historic dissent re: settler colonial aggression: Freud and Einstein archives revived

    • The GrayZone’s continued solid reporting linked here.

      • Another link is here.

      • International Campus Protests continue to grow in numbers.

      • 5/4/24 Video Link here.

  • Here are some actions:

    • In Los Angeles, for UCLA letters can be sent to the Dean in solidarity with students. Here is a link to report bias and hate crimes: https://ucla-advocate.symplicity.com/public_report/index.php/pid564409?

    • USCPR.org US Campaign for Palestinan Rights offer updated lists of actions per location

    • PYM offers a primer and history on their website

    • DSA Democratic Socialists of America local chapters are also offering updated local actions

    • CodePink and JVP also offer ways to support in different ways that support different accessibility needs for solidarity

    • please also feel free to reach out for a list of links to donate humanitarian aid directly to Gaza and West Bank

  • Media Literacy Excerpts for June:

    Israeli paper Haaretz, linked here, and NYT report, linked here, on Israeli infiltration of U.S. Media and Social Media to share false stories of anti-semitism violence on U.S. College Campuses and condemn Palestinian Rights Anti-Genocide/War Protests.

    Later this month: exposing the Zionism Grooming Project and how to navigate propagandist media and not fall prey to the grooming. Read below in Media Literacy Updates.



    Jewish Prof. Ilan Pappe, celebrated historian, has authored a new book that traces the history of the rise of Israeli Zionism. Understanding the anti-semitic and caste origins and current operations of Zionism, link here. He also talks about the Lobby’s recent use of the AI bots to try to defame journalists recognizing that they could not win the moral argument. So what will the Lobby have won if their premise is amoral, takes so much strategizing and wreaks utter hell for everyone?

    More mass media and major politician LIES! Karen Bass and other California politicians are aiding and abetting war criminals too! A few days ago anti-genocide protesters found out that Zionists were going to have a sale of illegally seized West Bank (Palestinian) land to Zionist Jews only on U.S. soil — that is both a war crime and redlining! The sale was scheduled to happen in West Los Angeles, California, Unites States. The War Criminals who were putting up this redlining sale to Zionist Jewish Purchasers shielded themselves by trying to have this illegal sale happen in a Jewish Synagogue, once again Zionists using Judaism as a cover, as a shield for their illegal actions, when Judaism has nothing to do with war crimes. The mass media and California politicians lined up to falsely defame the anti-genocide and anti-war crimes protesters as anti-semitist worship blockers. Instead, one would think the role of U.S. Elected Officials is to STOP WAR CRIMES and REDLINING! How far does this go? This is going on on U.S. Soil! The Zionists are using the Jewish Faith as a shield for their continued land theft, they are the ones using human shields. The Jewish Faith has nothing to do with Zionism. Zionism is such a sick form of psychopathy and will stop at nothing to groom people — it has always been a multi theocratic death cult bent on using members of the Jewish community as a shield. This violence must STOP!

    Here is video footage of Zionists antagonizing and gaslighting protesters. Link here (last third of the video). Credit to Katie Halper for her continued insightful, honest and courageous journalism!


    Palestine Chronicle shows footage of a wounded Palestinian strapped to the hood of an IOF military vehicle as it drives away in searing heat. He was not even a person of interest to the IOF — war crimes. The interview is in this article.


    The new Zeteo documentary linked here exposing the current mainstream Israeli extremist violence towards Palestinians and the grooming of Zionists in Israel and the diaspora to defend this consistent oppression and violence, all to demand that the Palestinians never return to their own homes. In what world is displacing people and demanding to be seen as noble a moral stance? That’s the principle of a colonial empire world, where all life has no meaning and can be degraded, discarded, and devastated wantonly. Both the liberal and the conservative extremist buy in is extreme and dangerous. It will not relent unless moral awareness prevails and the people of the world say STOP! It must STOP!


    Article link: Israeli Documents Show Expansive Covert U.S. Influence Campaign

    Summary line from the authors: Israeli government officials closely coordinate with advocacy groups shaping congressional and state legislation, social media and campus discourse.

    by Lee Fang and Jack Poulson

    Prior Posts June 2024

    exposing the Zionism Grooming Project, how to navigate propagandist media and not fall prey to the grooming.

    e.g. Being aware of the use of Anti-Black and Anti-Brown white supremacist’s determinations to spread lies that Palestinians and other BIPOC/GM (Black, Indigenous and other People of Color and Global Majority) people are savages and scary rapists hungry for virtuous white lady flesh - this is all white supremacist imagination which is completely without any basis. As seen with governments and constituents that use white supremacy historically to dominate and conquer people, these lies are used to lynch Black and Brown People and dominate white bodied imagination with false fear to justify enacting ongoing massacres on innocent colonized/oppressed people, all to keep stealing peoples homes, and dignified access to land, water, food, education and health care. This is the violent settler colonial Western (U.S.-Israel-British) governmental and corporate axis that continues to colonize and spread their joint mass murder project everywhere.

    Case in point, most Americans are clueless that they live on native land of people still alive and being actively massacred. Most have an imagination that native people are ‘extinct’ and they don’t have to worry about impacting or being accountable to First Nations Peoples anymore. All of America is an ongoing self legitimized squatter and stolen land project on top of Turtle Island and its’ natives who are still struggling for survival from the U.S. and other North American Governments’ ongoing covert and overt massacre projects and encroachment/ethnic cleansing practices.

    Most Americans are clueless that the current State of Israel is a relatively young, 130 year old or younger, settler colonial Zionist project that abuses the name of Judaism to violently colonize and ethnically cleanse Palestinians from their native land. Judaism has NEVER been a practice of violence culturally or religiously. Whereas Zionism is an inherent project of domination and mass murdering backed by borrowed secular and religious ideas employed in a cult-like, grooming fashion.

    One of the major founders of the Zionist Israeli project is Theodore Herzl; he authored a booklet called The Jewish State which is filled with anti-semitic ideas. This colonial project is anti-semitic towards Palestinians, who are Jewish, Muslim and Christian, and Jewish people who are not Palestinian and may even be primarily European in origin — the Zionist project of the State of Israel keeps all of them in continued uprooted and violent terror. (Link here to investigation of Zionist Netanyahu and Israeli Government Parties relationship to Oct 7th by Ben Swann and Jeremy Loffredo.)

    Zionism involves a cult psychosis (link here to an undercover investigation of Zionist humanitarian aid blockage at the border to Gaza) that grooms a sense of exceptionalism and supremacy that allows it’s participants to murder people for their land, much like the U.S. ‘manifest destiny’ cult mass murder doctrine and related brainwashing. See the documentary Israelism and the official dissenting letters from scholars including Einstein and Freud, written back and forth to the Israeli government and kept classified from it’s citizens and donors for decades. The violent Zionist Israeli Government early on tried to find esteemed academic scholars to affirm its settler colonial project and reached out to these academics and their responses were concretely not in favor of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and the irreparable harm it would cause Jewish people who were being used for the Zionist project to dominate the Middle Eastern (SWANA — southwest Asia, north Africa, non anglicized geographic term) region. It’s not psychologically sane or safe to engage in oppression plus mass murder of natives or co-natives for any contrived secular or appropriated religious reasoning.

    Many orthodox and non orthodox anti-Zionist Jews are against the Zionist project because it uses the name of Judaism and lies that it is protecting semites (people of a particular part of the SWANA region that includes Palestinians and Jews who are not Palestinian, all sharing a common ancestral language root) as a shield for it’s violent colonial settler conquership projects. (Link here to a conversation that begins to unpack the racist origin of the words semite and anti-semite in White Supremacy.) Jews who are against this hegemonic Zionist violence say, “not in our name!” and stand against the violent occupation and mass murder of Palestinians who are and were innocently caught in the settler colonial trap. In fact, many Zionists in the world are not Jewish, and are actually a specific group of evangelical Christians or wealthy elites, including government officials and corporate oligarchs and billionaires, bought into subjugation and extermination of the masses for selfish means. These projects will likely cause the mass extinction of all humans within our lifetimes or the next four generations, if not through continued direct man-made violence, through the continued global manipulation and impact of military and mass eco-ignorant violence of our environment, as well as the direct murdering of those trying to enact conservation from an Indigenous perspective, causing the end of most life on earth, as has already been in motion for the past several decades.

    Colonization and Imperial Supremacy in the final count likely is and will be, by far reaching numbers, the leading cause of direct and indirect death, maiming, continued trauma in the mind and body that gets passed down and laterally around, and extinction of most species on the planet, very likely including humans. What little time we have to address and begin to reverse earth impact has been and will likely be consumed by attending to the constant gaslighting of the Imperial project and the hiding in denial of it. Treat people with kindness: don’t make excuses for oppression, including stealing homes, dignity and access to life, end domination! It may be our final time on the planet because of cult psychosis and maniacal behavior of a selfish few and the grooming of the masses into complicit suffocating silence and aggressive lack of awareness; do what you can to undo the whitewashing, learn the history of natives from the natives themselves where it’s been made available, be determined to find their words! — keep searching until you do, and end the suffering of all beings by putting an end to supremacy, domination, colonization and Imperialism.

    The few who survive each generation will face the growing chasm between telling the truth and facing likely punishment for honesty or selling their souls to rapacious conquest and participating in insanity. Either way is a threat of death or death by soul extinction. Colonialism is a project of death. Decolonize everywhere!

A Statement on Mandated Reporting and NO Justification of Power Over Oppression and Mass Murder Strategies

There is no ethically, morally or psychologically sound rationale for usurping power and mass murdering an oppressed people … (more to be posted).

We stand with…

Decolonization! End oppression and mass murder! Freedom and Dignity for All People Everywhere!

Updated 5/27/24

Why and when are Palestinian Freedom, The DRC Freedom, Kashmiri Freedom, Yemeni Freedom, Cuban Freedom…part of everyone’s freedom? Here is a hopefully helpful summary of Imperialism and how that structure and its related processes perpetuate oppression, subjugation and oppressor violence in perpetuity: an interview with political scientist Prof. Bikrum Gill PhD by journalist Rania Khalek is linked here. Prof Gill goes into what the Petrodollar is and why the U.S. Government endlessly attacks countries, including active democracies, when other countries/peoples try to attain national or regional sovereignty. If this is a new concept, please consider researching and asking for support to research the non whitewashed history of Libya, Iran and Chile as examples.

Macklemore Hind’s Hall Song link here.

End the mass murder/plausible genocide and/or ethnic cleansing in any or all forms of all oppressed people. Stop the oppression, kidnapping and mass murder of Palestinians, Kashmiris, people of the First Nations of Turtle Island, people of The DRC, Yemeni, … no community’s freedom should be positioned as a threat to an oppressor, especially when power has been usurped and/or coercively maintained. It is the oppressor who must get off the necks of people everywhere.

End all forms of oppression, including economic, by all countries and corporations exercising power over violence, in Haiti, Cuba, the Sahel, South America…

We are sharing the same planet, the same universe. What affects one, affects us all. No one is truly free, until all are free. Living with one’s head down having to pretend violence is not happening all around is not freedom. Having to be a silent enabler or risk being targeted by an Empire or it’s client state is not freedom. Shutting down to the truth of the Empire’s vicious human greed constructed system that is against health, nature, and stability that has incredulously declared itself the law of the world and above reflection and consequence is not freedom. Living in chronic denialism, freeze, deflection and ignorance of the chaos is not freedom, is not neutrality, is not the high road — it is a silent and deadly lie and it is the pernicious American Liberal path that MLK warned about. It is a cult of privileged silence that upholds violence in a false downy coat of “neutrality and impartiality,” not aware that its silence is standing heavily on the bodies of the oppressed who are forced at gun point to prop up the luxury mob economy that is the American Gangster Settler Colonies. Every Every moment of ennui, every careless latte and marketing sound bite is on top of the breaths and bodies of dozens of oppressed people. It’s not abstract, it is the design of the militarized American Economy that dismantles others’ sovereignities to make despondent indentured labor classes, and splits up families to fuel child prostitution and child labor desires of a moralless power class that feeds itself on an economy that does not circulate to other sectors, but siphons more and more from the laboring masses. Did you know there are monies not included in the world currency count because they are tied up in wealth creating wealth for people who own more than most of the world combined can ever dream of accessing?

We are either all free or we are all part of a deadly game of “one person left standing.” Those at the bottom and those at the top feel it palpably every day, and those in the middle keep scrambling for the above middle line that moves further and further to the top and includes less and less people every day. That’s life in the American Gangster Economy that takes from the poor to ensure the security of the rich. No one realizes that’s what is going on, because it’s sugar coated in feel good language and people are given slick moral sounding media to buy into rich blood thirsty maniacs fighting over who gets the joystick to kill more innocent people for the next four years or which boardroom member controls human takeover. The U.S. Government’s Gangster Economy is not going to stop itself and the masses are often caught in the consuming wheel of survival created by the empire on purpose as a tool for maintaining class power. Others have been so propagandized and are so bought in they don’t know any other reality — see U.S. Education system, too docile, too unaware, too groomed, too overwhelmed and drugged/consumed by coping or freezing, too co-opted by culturally normalized distractions, too habituated to internalized self gaslighting … to even understand what is going much, let alone have the courage to question the imperial project or say much.

The antidote: Look for the slick media liars and go the other way. Look for the people putting themselves, their lives, their careers on the line to tell the truth; they are willing to tell the truth despite the high social price — they are telling a truth people can feel in their body. Sometimes that truth feels liberating and relieving, and sometimes it wakes up an awareness of prior unknown complicity in imperialism that can be cognitively jarring, and if one moves through the discomfort of being part of the imperial project with understanding of how that happened and taking a moment to breathe and ask what is another ethical and moral choice instead and start to enact that change, there is an opportunity to build a new morally rooted self esteem and support others through those moments of internally jarring cognitive dissonance too. Dismantle the imperial hegemonic class violence project!

Divesting from Caste/Apartheid Systems

This section is being revised and updated re: divestment from caste and its historic origins, including a call to stand with the Dalit community, an understanding of history and a call to end Islamophobia, and a call to end violence towards Farmers and Indigenous peoples and their languages and cultures as a practice of ahimsa, refraining from doing harm.

Red Nation Land Back Rematriation Programs

We stand with the Land Back Movement on Turtle Island. We call for the end of colonizing, occupying, ecological and ghettoizing policies and enactments. We call for safety for the community members and protection of their efforts to thrive. We call for the centering of rematriation of land back and support for their voices being central in honoring treaties and establishing their own definition and designation of community, humanity, dignity, sovereignty and solidarity in order to peacefully resist further occupation. Local communities may offer info about rematriation and volunteer support days, find more info online.

Cherishing Black Lives

End Anti-Blackness. In engaged and active cherishing of our Black Community Members, honoring them in their being-ness, all day, every moment; acknowledging the constant efforts it takes to uncover internalized harm and its accompanying external expressions, and heal internally, relationally, and communally from the violence encoded in structures and cultures that must continuously be identified and dismantled towards a true healing and freedom, we stand with support for the community movement to end Anti-Blackness actions. We stand in determination to not conform with and enable white supremacist and lateralizing structures of continued oppression.

Calling for the end of exploitation and colonization in Africa

The DRC: Interview with Maurice Carney, Exec Dir. of Friends of the Congo

The Film: Io Capitano

This section will be updated soon.

Dignity and Freedom for Indigenous Communities and Peoples

We stand with Indigenous Communities in their calling to be acknowledged, to have their safety and traditions honored, to have their history respected, … and land access protected. This includes Indigenous Communities locally and across the planet. We will post some links related to this in the coming months.

Global BIPOC Solidarity, Racial Eco-Justice. STANDING WITH FARMERS.

Honoring the song of seeds and those living in sacred connection with that song, standing with care for accessible eco-justice that honors those who are most vulnerable and also most connected or impacted. Honoring the cosmos, land and all beings as sentient. Choosing not to pretend that we do not know their sentience. Acknowledging and shifting to a full-centric framework and way of living. Fighting the policy and culturally encoded hypcritical eco-violence of wealthy communities accessing healthy land, water, and air, and disproportionate energy demand, resulting in oppressive labor conditions and exposure to environmental hazards and other injustices for those more marginalized.

Addressing Ableism

Aware that a high level of institutional and cultural violence is directed towards or lands with heavy impact on those in our communities that live with disabilities, who are often excluded by unexamined or intentional policies of marginalization. Instead, living with and listening to the needs of community members with disabilities, cherishing them and in solidarity with addressing and stopping violence and ending exclusion.

Addressing Ageism

Addressing the grandiosity of a culture that excludes the health and wellbeing needs of our youth and elder populations, particularly BIPOC community members. They are some of the most impacted by matters of justice, and without considering their voices, we cannot come to a complete and holistic existence as humans. Bringing in practices of inclusion and conscious ageing, restoring communities, after consciously dismantling oppression on a daily basis.


EWB welcomes individuals of all, multiple and/or no gender expressions.

Resources for Clients and Maps for Daily Practice

About Safe and Sound Protocol

Yogic Principles and Living with Ancestors

Parts Tracking Charts

Polyvagal and Addiction Recovery Mapping

Safe and Sound Protocol Instructions

Internalized Oppression, Trauma and Addiction (coming soon)

Polarity Tracking Worksheets

NVC Dialogue Guides

E-books (coming soon)

Videos and Blogs (updating periodically)

and more…

Applications for Mindfulness and Education

Understanding Internalized Oppression, Developmental and Chronic Trauma, Addictions and Healing Justice

Grief Support

Building a foundation of Self Resourcing

Support for parents and educators working with children

Support for Inner Child/Parts Work 

Getting organized with time, supportive executive functioning

Transforming challenges into learning experiences

Living in Eco-Harmony Recovery

photo credit Henry Be via Unsplash